Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

It’s tough; it’s definitely tough to smile through a heavy heart. Sometimes when you try, you eventually burst into tears. The spiking cases of anxiety, and depression, and the casualties due to this large-scale disaster shows it’s not something you can get over so easily, you need time, people to cheer you up, efforts and determination.

Depression is like sitting in a room full of people with a blank stare and not a single thought in your head but hearing everything going on around you and being too exhausted to respond to any of it or you are climbing the staircase with no end or hating your skin for no reason. Anxiety feels like a heavy object is on your chest while your mind revolves through days and days of events in 10 seconds then around again, you’re too agitated to try to make sense when you don’t cry at hard times or persistent feel emptiness.

It’s horrible. Isn’t it? Well yes! It’s just that we don’t understand the intensity until we feel it on our own.

Moreover, I love the fact that the world has become more aware of mental health over the last few years after being neglected for a long. That we can find out if the COVID-19 anxiety is getting to us and we try to figure out ways to calm ourselves. 

If each of us starts sharing our experiences, tips, and tricks, it may support someone who is still not able to find a way out of this never-ending circle of depression.

Me, Myself and I 🙋

The time I started calling my friends, spending time with family rather than watching multiple Netflix series one after one, and started practicing yoga. I felt like happily breathing after a long gap. My mind felt refreshed and my body experienced a divine kind of energy. So here is my toolkit for the lockdown anxiety-

1. Limit your news/media exposure - Stay updated but avoid negative pieces of information.

2. Plan activities with your family - Cook, Play, Paint, Plant.

3. Stay connected - With your loved ones.

4. Relax and Meditate- If you try just one 30 minutes session I can promise you that you’ll notice a difference for sure.

The Benefits of yoga👍

1. It’s a great way to strengthen your body and core.

2. It’s an excellent stress reliever.

3. It can be done anywhere.

4. It’s a good way to learn how to connect with actual you.

5. Yoga practices are fun and none competitive.

6. Best of all it can be fine anywhere at any time.

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

I thought of compiling some easy yet effective poses for my lovely readers. Instead of detailing the points, process, and benefits, I have attached a picture of each pose to give you a glimpse of the correct pose 👇

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

2. Sitting Mountain pose (Parvatasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

3. Legs- Up- the- Wall- Pose (Viparita Karani)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

4. Knee to Nose Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

5. Standing Backbend Hands-On Wall Pose (Anuvittasana Hands-on Wall)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide
6. Sideways Bending Pose (Konasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

7. Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

8. Warrior Pose 1 (Virbhadrasana 1)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

9. Warrior Pose 2 (Virbhadrasana 2)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide
10. Warrior Pose 3 (Virbhadrasana 3)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

11. Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virbhadrasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

12. Cat pose (Chakravakasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

13. Wide-legged-forward-fold-to-tripod-headstand (Prasarita-Padottanasana-to-Sirsasana-ii)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

14. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

15. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

16. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

17. Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

18. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

19. Wide-leg Standing Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

20. Child's Pose (Balasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

21. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

22. Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

23. Bow Pose ( Dhanurasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

24. Half- Moon Pose (Ardha chandrasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

25. Staff Pose (Dandasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

26. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

27. Seated Spinal Twist Pose (Matsyendrasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

28. Seated Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

Ways to relax when you feel stressed and instantly feel happier - Healthy living guide

I am sure you will feel better after practicing these simple poses. They stretch, lengthen, and balance the muscle and give a sense of relief to all those anxieties by quieting the mind and concentrating on your breathing. 

Here's my youtube channel you can subscribe for more updates on health and yoga


In case you try them, you can leave a note in the comment section. Every time I see such responses, it’s like getting a little gift. I love hearing from you, having bits of advice, and opinions. Thank you for stopping by🙏